Sandy Young Training Center

About Us
Sandy lives at the farm along with her three "faithful" furry companions, several barn cats, and a few very special personal horses. The farm is always busy with many clients who somehow become very close friends. And, of course, look around and you will find the "do-it-all backbone" of the farm, Bob Koontz, somewhere on the roof, or on the tractor, or fixing fence, or even eliminating bee nests.

A Little About Sandy.......
Thanks for taking the time to stop by. I have been busy these last 10 years since my move to my facilities in Western PA. There have been lots of changes and updates to the facilities as well as lots of new faces, both equine and human!!!!
My experience has spanned many years with lots of twists and turns. I started my riding experience at the tender age of five, and have never looked back nor regretted a moment of it. I grew up on Welsh ponies and POA’s in eastern Pennsylvania. I moved on to hunters and Pony Club rallies and fox hunts as a teenager. I always loved trying different styles of riding so the Arabians were a perfect fit for me. I love their versatility and have trained and won on horses in soooooooooooo many events……including Driving, English, Country, Hunter, Western, Sport Horse, Side-Saddle and Costume.
My most recent addition has been a passion for dressage. My personal mare, Vandetta, who started in Country Pleasure, Show Hack, and Hunter, is now competing at 3rd level dressage. We only need one more score for our USDF Bronze Medal!!!!! WOW!!!!! You CAN teach an “old dog” new tricks.
It has been quite a journey and challenge. I love stepping out of my comfort zone, although I was reluctant at first. Taking lessons and attending clinics, as well as, attending open dressage shows, has really been a blast.
I love showing off our beautiful Arabians and Half-Arabians, and we also get lots of compliments on their beauty and movement. I’ve even had people follow us back to our stalls to ask about them.
All these experiences have given me the advantage of being able to work successfully with horses of varied talents. It surely has helped me point them and their owners on the right path. I have often worked with other breeds, but my heart belongs to the Arabians and Half-Arabians.
The last couple of show seasons have been full of events and “firsts” for us, too. We attended several open Dressage shows, usually in Ohio, and also Arabian breed shows in PA and NY. I have worked with young owners in 4-H and open competitions, from walk/trot to adult pleasure classes.
In 2011, I attended the Sport Horse Nationals. It was my first experience there (Lexington, KY) and although we did not place in the Top Ten, I came away knowing that I wanted to come back. We are planning to return in 2013 to Lexington, VA with more horses and riders!!!! And, WE DID!!!! Check out our News and Updates page to hear about our success.